Scientific Publications

The qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the scientific production is a necessity spread throughout the world of research. The researcher who seeks sources for his work, the commissions should allocate the funds, the manager who has to evaluate a candidate to the student who simply want to read an article; every actor in the search comes up against the problem of assessing the importance of a scientific work.

Below you can find a list of the most important scientific publications of Endoscopic Malzoni.
Radiofrequency bipolar coagulation for radical hysterectomy

Radiofrequency bipolar coagulation for radical hysterectomy

13 April 2003 - Radiofrequency bipolar coagulation for radical hysterectomy: technique, feasibility and complications. Ercoli A, Fagotti A, Malzoni M, Ferrandina G, Susini T, Malzoni C, Scambia G. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2003 Mar-Apr;13(2):187-91. PubMed PMID: [...]

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